values beyond time
A legacy of solidarity is an act of awareness and generosity that does not take anything away from your heirs, but which enriches your will with the ideals you have always believed in, such as solidarity and a sense of equality.
Through this tool you can donate your some of your assets to a charity. Even a small contribution can make a difference.
For your bequest to be valid, you must clearly indicate the beneficiary organization in your will.
Making a will means having the certainty that your will is respected. It is an act of protection and responsibility towards your family members and towards those you love because it allows you to dispose of your assets or part of them in a clear and unequivocal manner according to the law.
or stocks or securities
like an apartment
like a work of art, a jewel or a piece of furniture
indicating your chosen charity as the beneficiary
Anyone, regardless of the assets they own, can dispose of their assets by will and decide to allocate even a small part of them to Rosa Rossa Foundation.
You can modify a will at any time, up to the last moment of life. Its withdrawal by the notary and its physical destruction is not necessary: it is sufficient to draw up a new will in which the revocation of the previous will is ordered, with the customary formula "I revoke all my previous testamentary dispositions". It is possible to revoke a public will with a holographic will and vice versa.
The holographic will does not need the presence of a public official and has the same validity as the public will drawn up by the notary. It is valid if the entire content is written by hand, even on a common sheet of paper, and if the date and signature are present. Electronic tools such as the computer cannot therefore be used, nor can it be written by another person under the dictation of the testator.
When the succession opens you will no longer be present to defend your will, therefore it is preferable to clarify any doubts immediately and consult a notary who will be able to suggest the best solutions to obtain the desired result and avoid errors or bad interpretations. Dealing with a notary can be useful for anyone, even for the simple drafting of a holographic will; he is a public official who exercises a public function and is the most competent figure in testamentary matters.
Rosa Rossa Foundation guarantees confidentiality and discretion for all the information and clarifications you request regarding solidarity bequests.
Within the will you can choose to appoint an executor. The task of the executor is to enforce the exact provisions of the testator. The appointment is recommended in the case of complex and articulated wills and guarantees that provisions and/or charges are promptly implemented.
You can decide to support the activities of the La Rosa Rossa Onlus Foundation by leaving even a small part of your assets, for example sums of money, shares, investment securities, life insurance policies, severance pay, real estate (house, apartment, land) or movable assets (cars, jewels, works of art).
The recipient of a bequest, whether heir or legatee, must be indicated exactly.
In the case of an institution it is always important to enter the the beneficiary's EIN number.
In the case of Rosa Rossa Foundation, the EIN in the USA is a follows:
Red Rose Foundation CA, a 501(c)3 entity
EIN: 87-4167888
thanks to donations and bequests from private citizens, rosa rossa foundation can carry out solidarity initiatives in health, education and microcredit, in the most remote countries.