Who we are

100% unremunerated volunteers... 
...who pay themselves even for their own travel.   

That's how over 90% of donations reach the ultimate beneficiaries.

who we are

Rosa Rossa is an international medical, educational and microcredit foundation headquartered in Italy, with offices and volunteers in the United Kingdom and the USA.  We bring aid to the most remote and inaccessible places in the world. 

Founded in 2012, has already completed projects in 14 countries.   Rosa Rossa is also unique among the large international foundations of Italian origin because it has no employees and only 100% of unpaid volunteers.
Another distinguishing features is the Foundation's focus on the most marginalized, both in geographical and societal terms. 


Rosa Rossa Foundation promotes sustainable long-term projects especially in fields of: health, education and microcredit, and in the area of socialization of young people. 

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are the principles by which we select projects, with a special focus on the 3 core criteria of: measurable Developmental Impact, Additionality, and long term Economic Viability.


We build new hospitals and pharmaceutical dispensaries, as well as upgrade existing structures, in the most remote places in the world, to eliminate the suffering of mothers and children. 
We also donate sophisticated medical machines, medicines, and even free Tele-Medicine services around the world, with the help of more than 20 volunteer doctors

microcredit and self-sufficiency

'Don't give away a fish, but instead teach how to fish...'

 That's why' all our initiatives are aimed at the food self-support of the beneficiaries, and often have micro-credit components.


We build kindergartens, schools and even universities where the need is greatest, to ensure a definitive break with the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

the most remote locations

For the Foundation's volunteers, logistics is not a problem, but an opportunity. That's why rather than on a plane, you're more likely to meet them in a beat-up car in the Himalayas, or on foot in the Andes, or on a boat among crocodiles in the African Great Lakes region.

"Dear Rosa Rossa, thank you very much for the sheep you have given us. We live as waste from society because we are HIV-positive. We will take loving care of our little sheep, because this gift has really brought hope back into our lives and those of our children." 

       Project: Sheep for families

Kesete (housewife, 37) and Kubrom (farmer, 47)
"Thank you for the beautiful goats for our family. We have 3 small children and, in addition to learning a trade, we can also feed them milk. You have given hope for our future." 

Project: Agricultural Micro-Credit                                                       
Jorge and Mariana, farmers, 35 and 28 years old
"Today we played football in the new sports field. But first we finished all the homework as the teacher told us." 

Project: School "Saint Marie de la Misericorde - Rosa Rossa" 

Rakoto and Sadada, new students, 11 and 12 years old
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